Have a Happy New Year and Thank You!

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone is enjoying the wind down to the year. This has been great for me. First of all thank all of you for the support of Funky Poetic Bootlegs. It was a project long in the making and in various forms over the years and I'm glad I got to share what I feel is the definitive version with you. I'm looking forward to releasing the CD version in the new year.

My energy and health was low over the last week, but I'm on the mend and I can't wait to get back into the swing of creativity. First off will be the completion of the next record, The Reset EP and finally the beginning of the 1st official album, Parallel Echoes. I hope to also release some exclusives to this website and Bandcamp in between, so stay tuned.

Have a safe and peaceful New Year!

Visit Richard Cole on Bandcamp:

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