Upcoming Releases 2024/2025

Announcing new music titles coming for the remainder of 2024 and 2025! 3 EP's and one full length album. First will be The Reset EP followed by the first two volumes of the Amari Archive Series. The series will chronicle the 4 track cassette vault of Richard Cole. Volume one is titled Invisible Funk and volume 2 is titled Funkacydal.  “The last year has seen some challenges and it's changed my view on how to create.” says Richard Cole currently in The Lair, the creative space Richard inhabits that has yielded the Funky Poetic Bootlegs album and the recent single Hold On. “Not only was the music affected, but the comics as well.”, referring to the development of the Amari Comics Universe featuring original Richrd Cole characters The Answer and the First Family.

Original plans were for the release of the album Parallel Echoes as far back as November of 2023. Around 10 -15 songs had been written and demoed, but delays in the recording kept it from meeting its deadline. Richard explains, “Parallel Echoes is something I really want the quality to be perfect on. So its going on the back burner until I master the tools to make it a great album. It's going to be different from Funky Poetic Bootlegs sonically.”

In its place was going to be The Reset EP. “I'm still working on that one now. It's 4 songs, but I'm being more meticulous in recording this one. I hope to have it finished in a couple of weeks.” “I've had the last few weeks to reevaluate everything creative and looking to get the best ideas out and how to get them to everyone.”

The 1st archive was in the works over the last few months. “I've picked out about 5 songs including the original backing track of Save Yourself. It's about 8 minutes and I'm going to record something new from it so it will be different from Save Yourself. My goal for the Archive series is to put out everything from the vault that can be released and finish it off or overdub or remix whatever is needed.” 

The Reset EP and Parallel Echoes will see a wide release on streaming, physical media as well as this website, Patreon and Bandcamp. The Amari Archive Series will be released exclusively on this website and Bandcamp. Stay tuned for release dates. 

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